Tuesday, 14 October 2014



1) Are you:
A. Male
B: Female

2) How old are you?
A. 15-17
B. 18-20
C 21+

2) What is your favourite genre film?

A. Comedy
B. Romance
C. Action
D. Horror

3) Do you enjoy watching horror films?

A. Yes
B. No

4) What are you favourite types of Horror films?
A. Zombie
B. Action
C. Paranormal
D. Comedy

5) Do you watch them with friends or alone?

A. Friends
B. Alone
C. N/A

6) Where do you associate a horror film setting?

A. Abandoned house
B. Woods
C. In their own home
D. Hospital
E- Other?(Please Note)

7) Do you prefer the victim to be male or female?

A. Male
B. Female

8) How often do you watch horror films?

A. Once a month
B. 2-3 times a month
C. More than 3
D. Other
E. Never

9) What lighting do you associate horror films to have?

A. Dark Lighting
B. Light
C. Other (Please note)

10) What props do you expect to see in a horror film?

A. Knife
B. Noose
C. Gun
D. Rags with blood
E. Other (Please note)

11) If they victim was female what would you rather they do:

A. Run from the killer
B. Hide from the killer
C. Fight the killer
D. Let them kill you
E- Other?(Please Note)

12)What do you expect to see in a horror film?
A- Ghosts
B- Zombies
D- Paronormal Activity
E- Other?(Please Note)

13)What do you prefer to see?
A- blood
B- violence
E- Death
F- Other?( Please Note)

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