Wednesday, 11 March 2015

World War Z Trailer.

The trailer starts with a long camera shot, showing a busy city in America. The way that the angle of the shot is set makes the audience get a feel for the setting already and is able to establish where this is set. The non- diegetic sound of the car horns, suggest that they are sat in a traffic jam and that something is holding them up. You then get a front close up through the windscreen of the car of a family, sat patiently playing eye spy. From the camera shot you can see the expressions on their faces and see that they all look happy and you can tell that they all get along as they are all enjoying the game and forgetting about the traffic jam. Through mise- en - scene you can see the family wearing everyday clothes, that are pretty casual and they are dressed as if the weather was too cold. You get an over the shoulder of both parents at the front, of the two girls behind them whispering, implying that they get along well and trust each other and clearly don't want the parents to hear. A close up shot of the other girl is shown, the reason for this is so you can get an understanding of what everyone looks like and from that close up you can see that the girl is the younger sister, from the fact she is holding a cuddly toy and when she smiles you can see that she has baby teeth still with some missing, suggesting she is still very young. All of a sudden you get a close up of the wing mirror being ridden into by a motorbike and you hear the diegetic sound of the glass smashing. The motorcyclist doesn't look like he is in any sort of uniform and therefore is probably just trying to get through the traffic jam as he is inpatient and as he has gone past in either anger or rush he has broken the wing mirror.

The low angle shot out of the roof of the car shows the importance of the hellicopter above and that something must of happened to cause this traffic jam if there are hellicopters looking. You can see the confusion and concern on the families faces and the dad even says.
" what is going on, hang on guys"
As he steps out of the car you see the worried look on his wifes face as you hear the diegetic sound of the sirens getting louder. As the husband turns you hear a big bang, where you see in a long shot that an explosion has happened, and you can see the fire and smoke in the distance. In this long shot you can also see the panic of people around them trying to run away and getting out of their cars. The wife then calls the husbands name in worry and you can see she is scared as he is on the edge of her seat leaning back. Screams and people shouting get louder, this is really effective as the trailer has got straight into the action, however has made you want to watch on as you dont quite know what the action is at this point. A man in uniform tell the family to remain in their car, as you see the close up of the police officer on his bike, you see a blur of a lorry at speed take the man out. A tracking shot then shows the lorry destroying everything in its path, stopping for nothing. You then hear a loud hight pitch non- diegetic sound, showing the panic on the families face as this is played, as they realise something bad is happening.

The film productions appear on the screen with loud shot beats, getting you ready for what is about to happen. Loud music then plays showing a birds eye view of the street, you can see people running around everywhere and see how chaotic everything is. The music stops and the mum asks her daughter if she is okay, whilst picking her up over her shoulder. The parents are surrounding their children trying to protect them. A low angle shot following three planes up in the sky are shown, telling the audience that this situation is pretty bad.The music starts again showing over the shoulder shots of guys in uniform up in the planes with guns looking over the city, showing their importance. The tracking shots of all the people running away is really effective as you feel their panic and you it makes you feel tense as you want them to get away.

They jump into a motor home type car as it it empty with the person who is believed  to of had the car is lying dead on the ground.  As soon as they jump into the vehicle, you get a close up shot of the passenger window as it gets head butted by someone and you see the glass shatter around it, this is really effective as it makes the audience jump as they were not expecting it and it shows the real danger they are in. You are then shown, a montage of clips showing the city in pieces, you see close ups of guns, fighting and people running away and then also birds eye view shots of the city being destroyed. A population loss graph shows on the screen and you watch it dramatically drop down and as the audience you know that something really big is happening and this entices you to watch on. Over the shoulder shots are used a lot when the army are shooting at the zombies when they are climbing all over a lorry. An extreme close up of a flare being lit by the family is shown whilst they are in a dark empty room. The echo of their voices shows how empty and quiet the room is, but as the audience you know this means something is about to join them. The build up of the shot of the husband about to break the door down is intense and he says "are you ready"
As he says that non diegetic music of helicopter propellers are played in the sound of a heat beat, building action. The music builds up even more when the family escape out of the door on the top of the roof and when running towards the helicopter with the husband being chased by the zombies.

The husband is then seen leaving his family and working with army to help out. This makes the audience want to watch on even more to see if he does help and if he comes back alive to his family. You see him in close up shots with a gun with explosions going off in the background being chased by the zombies. The repetitiveness of the husband saying he is coming back, makes you question if he actually will or not, as you see different shots of him and his family either crying or shouting his name in distress. The music carries on building up when shown a tracking low angle shot of the zombies trying to climb over this gigantic wall. It shows the zombies power over everyones else as the scramble amongst each other trying to get over the wall, and the way they are seen throwing themselves off the top shows how desperate and willing they are to turn the people into zombies and how dangerous that makes them. The music stops and the title appears with the loud short music, grabbing your attention to it and the date at the end.

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