Thursday, 11 September 2014

As reflection task- Post Production.


I learnt a lot from our audience feedback and that our film was a little complicated and confusing. it was also noticable that we didnt have much time when we produced it, so it seemed a little rushed and not properly thought through, which is ture as we didnt ahve much time to do it in the end due to outside commitments and due to the face we re did our film many of times and it ended up coming to a point where we had to just do whatever our next idea was and leave it at that. We also learnt that maybe out target auidience could be lowered to a 12 certificate rating as it wasnt very scary and had nothing gory in it or bad language.

We made loads of editing decisions as our film didnt look that good as we didnt spend much time on it, therefore a lot of work went into the editing side. The main editing decisions made were to do with the music to try ad make our film seem scarier and editing the shots and shortening some to make them quick and snappy to play more of an effect on the auidience so it didnt drag on for a while.

The particular editing tools that we used were the ones that made the lighting dimmer. We used this to the maxiumum it went as our film didnt look very scary as it wasnt dark, this was because we did this in the winter when it was freezing in the evening and was still light, if we were to do it later it would of been so cold and we found it hard enough to film in the early evening at like 6-7:30. Another tool we used was the cutting tool, we had to cut a lot of our clips and shots as we over filmed. As it was so cold we didnt have time to go over and check each clip so we just filmed for a little longer as we new we could shortern it.

Post Production enhanced the overall production as we were able to edit our film. It enhanced our film to great depths as we were able to correct the colouing, add the addition of colour and sound and to adjust any peices that were out of place. By doing this it heavily impacted the atmoshpere of the film, esspecially the type of music we played as it increased the effect of the scene when showed to the auidence.

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