Bradley's national championship jersey stands out massively in this cover, due to the black background the well known colours in cycling, red, white and blue really show well, and present to us his success of winning the National Road Championships. The huge black letters of SKY on his jersey are also well know, most people have heard of team sky. This will therefore grab more of the readers attention as most people follow team sky and their riders and will be interested in his race even more and the story and teamwork of sky behind the race.
The rest of the text on the front cover attracts the readers, as one of the texts is in yellow, and it talks about Bradley's target for success in the Tour De France, which is a huge race and it also linked in with the colour yellow. This will make the readers wanting to buy the magazine and read more about the plan for the Tour De France as it is so well known.
The shot of Bradley is a mid shot, getting in his jersey as it is the main topic of the magazine. Looking at his face he seems happy, which attracts the readers to see why that is, and maybe there is more to the story, now that he is a National Champion.
This particular magazine is most likely to interest a target audience of teenage boys and adult men who are into the sport. This magazine would only interest people who know of the sport and who are interested in it, as it wouldn't be appealing to anyone else and they wouldn't know who anyone is or what they are reading about. This links into the names on the left hand side at the bottom of the cover that are listed, they are all names of known cyclist who most people wouldn't know of. They are not as well known as Bradley Wiggins, which may be why they are at the bottom of the cover in smaller writing. However having their names on the page too, tells you there are interviews on them and this will make you want to read about them to see what they are about.
Also at the top of the cover in the right hand corner in a red circle is the ' Milan San Remo' which is an all time classic race to the start of the cycling season. Having this on the page will excite readers as it is such a well known race that viewers look forward to watching, it will make you want to read the magazine and see if there is any further information on the race and any thing about the riders riding the race. Once again the barcode is also on the magazine to help sale it when it goes through he scanner on the till.
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