Thursday, 2 October 2014

Black Swan Film Poster.

Straight away the first thing you notice is the crack down the side of her face. This could imply to the audience that this woman is not perfect and maybe has a different side to her. The crack also makes the image look scary, which is effective as it draws your attention to it straight away and makes you see that this young woman could not be as innocent as you think and may have a dark side to her. The crack in her face links to a crack in an 'egg' I think the use of this is portrayed very well, as swans come out of eggs and this maybe related to the fact she may be a completely different person and showing her future that lays ahead as this new woman. The use of just that one crack in her face, is very effective as it will make the audience think all of these things or more and its a great way to attract viewers as they will want to know what it means and will therefore watch the film.

Natalie Portman, a well known actress, is the woman who plays the Black Swan and who's face is on the poster. Her face takes up the majority of the poster and is a close up of her face. By doing this it enables you to see her features close up and to see the emotion and facial expressions displayed on her face. Her eyes stand out really well and come across as very bold, because they stand out they draw your attention to them and makes a connection to the audience. The way they are staring as if they are looking straight at you also creates a scary and creepy affect, as they look very curious. Her facial expressions are very stern and not really showing much emotion, she just looks fixed on something or is very certain on what she is doing. Her skin colour is also very pale, in fact almost white which relates to a 'swan'. However the white part shows purity like a swan and the nice side, although by the title 'Black Swan' it indicates that there is a not so good side by the word 'black' as that is seen as darkness, which is also portrayed by the crack in her face, and to what is believed to be black feathers in the background as a blur. Another point that links to this is the side that the crack is on, is darker than the side without it on, which could show the good and the dark side that she has.

The title is very simple but effective as it, is in bold black writing linking back to the title. Above the title shows the well known 'stars' names. This well appeal to more people as they will know the actors, and everyone enjoys a film more when the know the actors. Their surnames are in capitals compared to their first names in lower case, this is because more people are to recognise their last names so it attracts your attention to their surname instead as you are more likely to notice it. The quote in the small white font to the right hand side, is very simple but they stand out to audiences and look more professional. The quote uses words such as 'Extraordinary' 'Intoxicating' 'Masterpiece' using these words emphasise on how good the film is and by reading this quote its only going to go and entice you more to watch the film. It is also a great way to sell the film and to get people to watch it. Also at the bottom of the poster its says what other films the director has directed, this implies this film will be good as they are listing his other film he has done, which they wouldn't do if they were not successful.

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