Straight away you can see that the layout of the poster is very plain and simple, however it is very catching as your attention is drawn to the title and the picture along side to represent the two of the film. The use of using two fingers to represent the number two is very effective as it fits in with the film title very well and is different. Also on the top of the poster is a 'saw' this relates to the title and to the fingers as well. These live denotations as to what might happen in the film and as to why there are two fingers there. This will appeal to the audience as they will want to watch it to see if anything like the assumption happens in the film. From just looking at the film poster, the film suggests that what happens will be gruesome and painful. The way the fingers look as they have been sawn off suggests that many other things like that will occur through out the film. The fingers look as if they have been left there for a while and are dirty and uneven, the nails are also chipped and discoloured as if the person may of been fighting to get the person to stop or could of been kept for a while. The letters of the title are also uneven, and different sizes just like the fingers and the saw. The way the 's' in the title has been cut off from the rest of the title by the lines, suggests that decapitation could also be shown in the film.
I think that the colours used, black and white work well for this film. The white is mostly shown but the black is very prominent and stands out really well. The black also suggests darkness and this film going by the saw and the fingers seems to be that. The use of the black also makes the poster seem a little scary and creates a dirty decaying sense. The dull colours also seem depressing and cold.
The poster doesn't contain much information on it either, the only other text that is included is that its ' coming soon'. However this could be a good thing as underneath it gives a web address which could make the audience read into the film themselves and to try and find out as much information as they can about it, this was they might find out other things too about the film, they may even ask people and that will also give others the knowledge that the film is coming out if they didn't know. The text contrasts the rest of the text as it looks smart and professional.
The target audience for 'saw' would be mostly males from 15-25 however this could also be appealing to some females too.
Monday, 29 September 2014
The Vow Poster.
The title of the film is placed in the centre at the bottom of the poster.' The Vow' is in bold capitals making the title stand out. 'Vow' is in pure white font, relating to the meaning of marriage and the typical colour for the occasion. Underneath the title it says' Inspired By True Events' this has purposely been placed there so it catches the audiences eye and hope to inspire them to watch the film as it is based on true events.
At the top of the poster in bold golden letters shows the name of the two main actors. Their importance is shown through the gold colour and the fact they are two well known actors. This will make the film even more appealing if you know the two main actors as you know you are more likely to watch and enjoy the film.
On the front it shows these two actors, who look very happy straight away you know it will be a romance film, and the fact that both of the actors are good looking this will make the film more appealing to their target audience. The background is blurred showing the main focus is on the couple, really emphasising the fact they are happily in love. The two characters are not dressed up, they look like they are dresses casually, once again taking the focus just on themselves and their expressions. The woman's top is white, relating back to purity and the colour white of ' Vow' in the title.
The small writing at the bottom includes the directors and producers and other important names. The reason they are in smaller writing is because they are not as important or well known as the two main characters. Having the names at the bottom presented like that makes the poster look very professional and appealing to the audience and they will probably look at it and be impressed with the names on the poster.
The target audience for this film would mainly be teenage girls as it is seen as a ' chick flick'. The film would most likely attract girls from 12- 18 years old, maybe some women too as it is based on true life events.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Amazing Spider-man 2 Poster.
The background of the poster contains dull colours such as black and grey. These connotations, make you think that something bad is going to happen as the city behind looks lifeless. The sky looks as if there is a storm coming which denotes the fact there may be something evil or a war starting. Rain is associated with bad things and is seen as being miserable and gives a negative effect, the use of this is effective as it emphasises the dullness of the city and makes the audience question why it is like that.
Both the characters stand out really well on the poster. The blueness of the 'new' character electro, makes him stand out and attract the eye of the target audience to the film. The fact their is this new character on the poster entices people to want to watch the film, as they are so used to the normal characters, such as the green goblin being the main enemy. Both of the characters are at the front of the poster and are close up, showing their importance and how powerful they are. Elector looks as if he is more dangerous as he looks as if his consumed of electric, which relates to the name. The fact he looks more dangerous than any other character spider-man has been up against may make the audience question whether or not spider-man will be able to defeat him. The effect of having the audience guess what may happen makes them want to watch it to see how this character came about and if their guesses are correct.
At the very top of the poster in smaller writing, it says ' no more secrets' this once again makes people think that maybe spider-man may reveal himself and let people no who he really is and no longer have any secrets. No viewers want this as it makes it changes everything, so they are going to want to watch and find out. The title of the film is also in a small bold font, the title stands out as it is white up against a dark background and the well known symbol of the red spider is also behind the writing. However the font could be possibly bigger just to make it really stand out and catch peoples eye. Then again the writing could be that size as it doesn't want to take up too much of the poster so that the new character is the main feature and the attention is based on him more.
The date 05.02.14 is on the poster which shows when the film will be out for people to watch. It is placed well on the poster as it is directly underneath the title, where everyone will see it as they will look at the films name. Also directly under that in reed font it says that the film is also in 3D and at the IMAX in 3D also with a #AmazingSpiderMan2. This is really effective as the hash- tags can go world wide and trend on things such as twitter, this will help the film get recognition and it will especially as the majority of people have all of the social media and will therefore see it. Its a really good tool to market your film.
Overall the poster looks really professional and well presented, and looks really appealing and unique. The target audience for the film would mainly be from 12 to 25yrs. As it has a broad target audience it helps the film become more successful. It can also be seen as a family film which could attract most family's with a male dominance, it may even attract older men too, who have watched the marvel characters over the years develop and seen the other films.
Both the characters stand out really well on the poster. The blueness of the 'new' character electro, makes him stand out and attract the eye of the target audience to the film. The fact their is this new character on the poster entices people to want to watch the film, as they are so used to the normal characters, such as the green goblin being the main enemy. Both of the characters are at the front of the poster and are close up, showing their importance and how powerful they are. Elector looks as if he is more dangerous as he looks as if his consumed of electric, which relates to the name. The fact he looks more dangerous than any other character spider-man has been up against may make the audience question whether or not spider-man will be able to defeat him. The effect of having the audience guess what may happen makes them want to watch it to see how this character came about and if their guesses are correct.
At the very top of the poster in smaller writing, it says ' no more secrets' this once again makes people think that maybe spider-man may reveal himself and let people no who he really is and no longer have any secrets. No viewers want this as it makes it changes everything, so they are going to want to watch and find out. The title of the film is also in a small bold font, the title stands out as it is white up against a dark background and the well known symbol of the red spider is also behind the writing. However the font could be possibly bigger just to make it really stand out and catch peoples eye. Then again the writing could be that size as it doesn't want to take up too much of the poster so that the new character is the main feature and the attention is based on him more.
The date 05.02.14 is on the poster which shows when the film will be out for people to watch. It is placed well on the poster as it is directly underneath the title, where everyone will see it as they will look at the films name. Also directly under that in reed font it says that the film is also in 3D and at the IMAX in 3D also with a #AmazingSpiderMan2. This is really effective as the hash- tags can go world wide and trend on things such as twitter, this will help the film get recognition and it will especially as the majority of people have all of the social media and will therefore see it. Its a really good tool to market your film.
Overall the poster looks really professional and well presented, and looks really appealing and unique. The target audience for the film would mainly be from 12 to 25yrs. As it has a broad target audience it helps the film become more successful. It can also be seen as a family film which could attract most family's with a male dominance, it may even attract older men too, who have watched the marvel characters over the years develop and seen the other films.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Wizard Magazine Front Cover.

The main feature of the magazine is clearly the 'Hulk' as he takes up most of the cover. I think the image of the hulk really catches your eye and almost looks 3D which would really appeal to the readers. The magazine looks interesting to readers who are into comic books, as there is a lot going on in the cover, as the background connotes that an explosion of some sort. The reason this makes me think that is because the hulk is a marvel character, and gets angry very quickly, and the more angry he becomes and the more you try to hurt him the more stronger he gets and goes around destroying whatever comes in his path. The fact his clothes are all ripped also suggest this, and the flames coming off of him show that they do not hurt him and that he is somewhat invisible.
The colour scheme the artist has chosen displays a lot of anger and power. This will entice the readers, as they will want to know why the hulk is like this. The hulk is typically green and for some reason shown as being red in this magazine, therefore this shows that something unusual has happened to the hulk maybe, and the readers may want to find out inside what it is about. However this could just be the way the artist has chosen to design the magazine this time to try and make it look different and to appeal to the readers more, instead of seeing a 'typical hulk', that people are used to seeing. Making him look different, creates all different types of stories in the readers head, for example, has he turned bad, has he changed for good and whats happened. All of these thoughts in a readers head, will make them want to buy the magazine to find out all about it.
The words ' red hulk' stand out clearly in black font, this is so it doesn't blend in with any other colours on the cover. The rest of the texts on the magazine are all placed on the left hand side to make sure the cover doesn't look too busy or to get in the way of the main feature. The way they have arranged all the text still looks neat and very professional. The use of the bold writing makes it all seem more exiting, as well as the use of the explanation marks, emphasising on the text. At the very top of the magazine it says ' secret invasion' in bold red letters, this will excite the reader and make them want to read on and find out what this 'secret' is. The fact its in bold letters too at the top of the page suggest it could be an important invasion and a pretty big one too. Next to it in smaller letters, talks about the favourite skrull stories of Bendis. Only comic readers would understand what that means, and therefore it wouldn't appeal to any other audience.
The target audience would stereotypically relate to men in their 40s or younger who collect these magazines and that are interested in the marvel characters and have followed it for a long time. Another audience that this magazine may appeal too is to young boys or teenage boys who are also into this kind of stuff and watching the films. The barcode is also presented on the magazine too at the bottom so that it is out of the way. The small writing around the magazine too, shows that it is less important to the readers as it doesn't stand out at all, and is hard to read and to notice, if you were to just look at the magazine at a glance.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Vogue Magazine Front Cover.
The head- mast is in Bold pink letters. The fact that the name of the magazine ' VOGUE' is able to cover up part of the word, shows that it is well known enough to be able to do that, as people will recognise the name. The font of the head- mast is stretched and tall which makes it seem very elegant and portrayed in a very sophisticated manor, which also links into the way the celebrity is posing. The colour of the head- mast stands out well with the colour of the background and makes the magazine look very appealing to the buyers and readers.
The text around the magazine, is in many different fonts, colours and sizes. ' the fascinating Lana Delrey' stands out and will attract readers, by the word fascinating being in italics and being in black writing as it catches your eye and makes you want to read on, to see what she has said or what is featured about her that is so, ' fascinating'. The word 'Princess dresses' that is written on the right hand side of the magazine, links into the colours used on the cover, being pink and very girly. Another thing that links into the colour choice is the quote at the bottom ' Oh so pretty', pretty things are thought to be pink and girly and the font used being italic and bold suggest this.
The magazine is clearly about fashion as it mentions, many things to do with fashion such as ' fashions most fabulous florist' which can relate to the fact Lana Delrey is in floral clothing, with a flowery clip in her hair and wearing a flower embroidered dress. Lana, also looks pretty, which flowers are also seen as too. the make up she is wearing, makes her eyes stand out, which is also a pretty feature and her lipstick is neutral which goes well with the colour scheme. The mid shot of her, enables the readers to see the dress and clothing she is wearing, which will make them want to see if they can find any of the items inside the magazine, especially when they see a celebrity wearing them. The fact all of the cover lines are set out around the model enable the magazine to look busy and full, without an empty space showing. The fact the magazine looks busy makes you think there will be a lot inside the magazine to read about.
The target audience is based at women and teenage girls, into fashion. This is all due to the celebrity on the cover showing all of these elements and therefore all of this attracts to the female audience.
The text around the magazine, is in many different fonts, colours and sizes. ' the fascinating Lana Delrey' stands out and will attract readers, by the word fascinating being in italics and being in black writing as it catches your eye and makes you want to read on, to see what she has said or what is featured about her that is so, ' fascinating'. The word 'Princess dresses' that is written on the right hand side of the magazine, links into the colours used on the cover, being pink and very girly. Another thing that links into the colour choice is the quote at the bottom ' Oh so pretty', pretty things are thought to be pink and girly and the font used being italic and bold suggest this.
The magazine is clearly about fashion as it mentions, many things to do with fashion such as ' fashions most fabulous florist' which can relate to the fact Lana Delrey is in floral clothing, with a flowery clip in her hair and wearing a flower embroidered dress. Lana, also looks pretty, which flowers are also seen as too. the make up she is wearing, makes her eyes stand out, which is also a pretty feature and her lipstick is neutral which goes well with the colour scheme. The mid shot of her, enables the readers to see the dress and clothing she is wearing, which will make them want to see if they can find any of the items inside the magazine, especially when they see a celebrity wearing them. The fact all of the cover lines are set out around the model enable the magazine to look busy and full, without an empty space showing. The fact the magazine looks busy makes you think there will be a lot inside the magazine to read about.
The target audience is based at women and teenage girls, into fashion. This is all due to the celebrity on the cover showing all of these elements and therefore all of this attracts to the female audience.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Cycle Sport Magazine Front Cover.

Bradley's national championship jersey stands out massively in this cover, due to the black background the well known colours in cycling, red, white and blue really show well, and present to us his success of winning the National Road Championships. The huge black letters of SKY on his jersey are also well know, most people have heard of team sky. This will therefore grab more of the readers attention as most people follow team sky and their riders and will be interested in his race even more and the story and teamwork of sky behind the race.
The rest of the text on the front cover attracts the readers, as one of the texts is in yellow, and it talks about Bradley's target for success in the Tour De France, which is a huge race and it also linked in with the colour yellow. This will make the readers wanting to buy the magazine and read more about the plan for the Tour De France as it is so well known.
The shot of Bradley is a mid shot, getting in his jersey as it is the main topic of the magazine. Looking at his face he seems happy, which attracts the readers to see why that is, and maybe there is more to the story, now that he is a National Champion.
This particular magazine is most likely to interest a target audience of teenage boys and adult men who are into the sport. This magazine would only interest people who know of the sport and who are interested in it, as it wouldn't be appealing to anyone else and they wouldn't know who anyone is or what they are reading about. This links into the names on the left hand side at the bottom of the cover that are listed, they are all names of known cyclist who most people wouldn't know of. They are not as well known as Bradley Wiggins, which may be why they are at the bottom of the cover in smaller writing. However having their names on the page too, tells you there are interviews on them and this will make you want to read about them to see what they are about.
Also at the top of the cover in the right hand corner in a red circle is the ' Milan San Remo' which is an all time classic race to the start of the cycling season. Having this on the page will excite readers as it is such a well known race that viewers look forward to watching, it will make you want to read the magazine and see if there is any further information on the race and any thing about the riders riding the race. Once again the barcode is also on the magazine to help sale it when it goes through he scanner on the till.
OK! Magazine Front Cover.
The Mast- Head that is used, is in capital letters and ended with an explanation mark, to stand out to the buyers and grab your attention. The use of the colour red, with the bold white writing on top, is eye- catching and informative, grabbing the attention of the buyers. As the Head- mast stands out so much, it is the first thing the buyer is drawn to, which is great thing for a well known magazine such as
The other coloured boxes around the magazine also grab the buyers attention. The reason that specific text is in all of them boxes is for one reason and that is to stand out. The reason for that is because inside the boxes there is always important information that they use to entice you with and to get you to buy it, for example, the words 'World Exclusive' and the word 'Private' emphasise the fact the pictures have only been realised and never seen before, so it makes you as a reader want to see them even more. At the top of the page in another box with bold writing, it telling you that you can get 3 magazines for the price of one, this is showing deals to the buyer and trying to get them to buy this magazine as you get more of them, however in very small print under the head- mast is the price of £2.95 which is dearer than a magazine on its own, so they are trying to get more money.
The price of the magazine is in small writing so that it doesn't draw attention to how much the buyer is going to have to pay for the magazine or put them off. They put all of the other stuff in bold and bright colours first so they can try and get them to see the 'exclusive' stuff inside the magazine.
'CHERYL' is in bold letters, in bigger font than the rest of the text on the magazine, this is to show that the main feature of the magazine, and that the focus on her.
This magazine is aimed at a target audience of adult women, the reason for this is because the magazine is about exclusive celebrity interviews and about their lives. The magazine has also got a lot of pink on it and 'girly' colours, which stereotypically link the magazine into being for girls. The magazine also shows pictures on the front, making you want to read and look inside so that you can see what the pictures are about and the story behind them.
The close up shot of Cheryl makes the magazine stand out even more as it has a well known celebrities face on the front. Cheryl looks natural and doesn't seem to be wearing as much makeup as she normally would, therefore her features do not stand out as much as they do in some magazines. The colour of Cheryl's hair also looks natural, and stands out from the magazine too. The reason why Cheryl may not be wearing much makeup, could be due to the fact the background it plain and there is already a lot of colour on the magazine from the boxes, so it may be too much if she was wearing bright lipstick.
Lastly the text that is a quote from Cheryl her self in bold letters on the left had side, is a good way of getting the buyer to want to read the magazine as they will want to find out the story behind it and the reasons for why she has said that. There is also a barcode on the magazine, which is clearly an essential part as it used to sell the magazine when scanned.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
As reflection task- Research and Planning.
Research and planning
We looked at many different types of media, from clips of films to pictures and write ups of the horror genre. We did a lot of research on costumes and pictures of what stereotypes were most commonly used in horror films, this helped us a great amount as is enabled us to try and take the information we found out and the ideas from the costumes we found and put them into our film. We watched a clip on Halloween 4 opening credits which helped massively even though it was only the credits. From watching this we were able to see the types of settings that was used and the props that were placed in the short clips, seeing this gave me ideas of how our film should look and what the setting should be like. From doing some research i was able to see what type of audience our film would attract and be best suited too, from the research i found that the target audience suitable for our film would be teenagers from 15 above to any one interested in horror films. It would mainly seem appealing to the age group around 15-18 as there isn't really any gory of gruesome parts, therefore may not appeal to the male audience either.
I recorded all of our research onto our blogs that we had all made and made a new post for each different type of research i did so that it was easy to find. I recorded some of the research in different ways, for example in spider diagrams, bullet points, pictures, video clips and even paragraphs of information. This was a clear and tidy way to keep all of my research so i found it really useful to look back on when planning the film.
The primary research that was undertaken was our questionnaire that we produced and gave out to people from different target audiences. We found this really helpful as we got to see what interested what target auidence the most and to see if we could put that into our own film and see if we could balance it out so that we could achieve some of the elements people from the different target auidences would like to see so that we could have a variety of auidences. The results were very intersting as they were all pretty much the same and all very close so it made it a lot easier for us to try and attract the different auidences to our film.
Alot of secondary research was undertaken as we found a huge amount of it from the internet and through watching youtube clips, trailers and even films from what other AS students did from a couple of years ago. This was really helpfull as we could see the comments and rewiews on the clips and what people thought were good and what people didnt think was so good, so this allowed us to see what would work best for us. We got most of our ideas through secondary research and found it really usefull and we benifited the most from this.
The effectivness of both these kinds of research is that it gives you a wide variety of eays to collect information useful to your film and gives you many different options and ideas to try and make your film as good as you can possibly make it and even helps you make improvements. Out of the two the secondary research worked the best for us as i found it quicker to find out information and you were able to visualise it all too, such as looking at the costumes and settings.
We used a story board to plan out what the scenes would roughly look like and how to set them out. i found these effective as you could put everything into perspective and see how it would look and how long each shot would take and get a clear veiw on the shots. The only disadvantage for us using a story board was that we ended up hardly looking or following it, it was only really usefull for planning it at the start, although it helped us get a rough image of what our film was meant to look like whilst we were making it. The shot list was also linked in to our story board and it enables us to keep things organised and it was good having a list as we new exactly how long each clip should take and where it should be shot. Having a script was really effective as it helped out the actors learn what they were saying and when they needed to say it, it made producing the film so much easier as i could direct them when to say what they had to say incase they happened to forget.
I recorded all of our research onto our blogs that we had all made and made a new post for each different type of research i did so that it was easy to find. I recorded some of the research in different ways, for example in spider diagrams, bullet points, pictures, video clips and even paragraphs of information. This was a clear and tidy way to keep all of my research so i found it really useful to look back on when planning the film.
The primary research that was undertaken was our questionnaire that we produced and gave out to people from different target audiences. We found this really helpful as we got to see what interested what target auidence the most and to see if we could put that into our own film and see if we could balance it out so that we could achieve some of the elements people from the different target auidences would like to see so that we could have a variety of auidences. The results were very intersting as they were all pretty much the same and all very close so it made it a lot easier for us to try and attract the different auidences to our film.
Alot of secondary research was undertaken as we found a huge amount of it from the internet and through watching youtube clips, trailers and even films from what other AS students did from a couple of years ago. This was really helpfull as we could see the comments and rewiews on the clips and what people thought were good and what people didnt think was so good, so this allowed us to see what would work best for us. We got most of our ideas through secondary research and found it really usefull and we benifited the most from this.
The effectivness of both these kinds of research is that it gives you a wide variety of eays to collect information useful to your film and gives you many different options and ideas to try and make your film as good as you can possibly make it and even helps you make improvements. Out of the two the secondary research worked the best for us as i found it quicker to find out information and you were able to visualise it all too, such as looking at the costumes and settings.
We used a story board to plan out what the scenes would roughly look like and how to set them out. i found these effective as you could put everything into perspective and see how it would look and how long each shot would take and get a clear veiw on the shots. The only disadvantage for us using a story board was that we ended up hardly looking or following it, it was only really usefull for planning it at the start, although it helped us get a rough image of what our film was meant to look like whilst we were making it. The shot list was also linked in to our story board and it enables us to keep things organised and it was good having a list as we new exactly how long each clip should take and where it should be shot. Having a script was really effective as it helped out the actors learn what they were saying and when they needed to say it, it made producing the film so much easier as i could direct them when to say what they had to say incase they happened to forget.
As reflection task- Post Production.
I learnt a lot from our audience feedback and that our film was a little complicated and confusing. it was also noticable that we didnt have much time when we produced it, so it seemed a little rushed and not properly thought through, which is ture as we didnt ahve much time to do it in the end due to outside commitments and due to the face we re did our film many of times and it ended up coming to a point where we had to just do whatever our next idea was and leave it at that. We also learnt that maybe out target auidience could be lowered to a 12 certificate rating as it wasnt very scary and had nothing gory in it or bad language.
We made loads of editing decisions as our film didnt look that good as we didnt spend much time on it, therefore a lot of work went into the editing side. The main editing decisions made were to do with the music to try ad make our film seem scarier and editing the shots and shortening some to make them quick and snappy to play more of an effect on the auidience so it didnt drag on for a while.
The particular editing tools that we used were the ones that made the lighting dimmer. We used this to the maxiumum it went as our film didnt look very scary as it wasnt dark, this was because we did this in the winter when it was freezing in the evening and was still light, if we were to do it later it would of been so cold and we found it hard enough to film in the early evening at like 6-7:30. Another tool we used was the cutting tool, we had to cut a lot of our clips and shots as we over filmed. As it was so cold we didnt have time to go over and check each clip so we just filmed for a little longer as we new we could shortern it.
Post Production enhanced the overall production as we were able to edit our film. It enhanced our film to great depths as we were able to correct the colouing, add the addition of colour and sound and to adjust any peices that were out of place. By doing this it heavily impacted the atmoshpere of the film, esspecially the type of music we played as it increased the effect of the scene when showed to the auidence.
I learnt a lot from our audience feedback and that our film was a little complicated and confusing. it was also noticable that we didnt have much time when we produced it, so it seemed a little rushed and not properly thought through, which is ture as we didnt ahve much time to do it in the end due to outside commitments and due to the face we re did our film many of times and it ended up coming to a point where we had to just do whatever our next idea was and leave it at that. We also learnt that maybe out target auidience could be lowered to a 12 certificate rating as it wasnt very scary and had nothing gory in it or bad language.
We made loads of editing decisions as our film didnt look that good as we didnt spend much time on it, therefore a lot of work went into the editing side. The main editing decisions made were to do with the music to try ad make our film seem scarier and editing the shots and shortening some to make them quick and snappy to play more of an effect on the auidience so it didnt drag on for a while.
The particular editing tools that we used were the ones that made the lighting dimmer. We used this to the maxiumum it went as our film didnt look very scary as it wasnt dark, this was because we did this in the winter when it was freezing in the evening and was still light, if we were to do it later it would of been so cold and we found it hard enough to film in the early evening at like 6-7:30. Another tool we used was the cutting tool, we had to cut a lot of our clips and shots as we over filmed. As it was so cold we didnt have time to go over and check each clip so we just filmed for a little longer as we new we could shortern it.
Post Production enhanced the overall production as we were able to edit our film. It enhanced our film to great depths as we were able to correct the colouing, add the addition of colour and sound and to adjust any peices that were out of place. By doing this it heavily impacted the atmoshpere of the film, esspecially the type of music we played as it increased the effect of the scene when showed to the auidence.
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